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    September 16, 2024
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    UnionActive Newswire
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    Updated: Sep. 16 (12:04)

    West Frankfort Office Closure
    Teamsters Local Union No 50
    Membership Fees Due Oct 1st
    FOP Local 18
    GoFundMe Eric Axionoff House Fire
    IBEW Local 100
    GoFundMe Eric Axionoff House Fire
    IBEW Local 100
    Week Ending 09/13/2024
    Teamsters Local 355
    Week Ending 09/13/2024
    Teamsters Local 992
    UnionActive Police Newswire
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    Updated: Sep. 16 (10:01)

    Re-Elect Mike Frederick for Pension Trustee
    Saint Louis Police Officers Association
    June - August 2024 Gendarme
    Saint Louis Police Officers Association
    Ladies' Wine Night!
    Whatcom County Deputy Sheriff's Guild
    FOP leader slams Pennsylvania Dem for fake police officer, badge in fentanyl ad: ‘To me, it’s stolen valor’
    Le-Hampton Lodge 35 FOP
    1st Responder Special Offer - CITY2
    Saint Louis Police Officers Association
    FOP Opioid Coalition Release
    Pennsylvania State Lodge FOP
    Important Links
    Davie Police Pension Website
    TASC - VEBA Website
    State FOP Lodge
    National FOP Lodge
    National Law Enforcement Memorial
    NEW VEBA website
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  • Davie FOP Local 100

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